Adult Information & Guidance Service
Our Adult Information and Guidance Service in Blanchardstown, North West Dublin Area provides free, person centered, impartial career and education information, one-to-one guidance and group guidance, which help people to make informed educational, career and life choices. FET Information and Guidance Services are provided to adults aged 18 years and over using a learner-centred ethos. Guidance in Further Education and Training (FET) is informed by the SOLAS ‘Future FET: Transforming Learning’ strategy document, The National Further Education and Training (FET) Strategy 2020-2024.
Our team can offer information and guidance on:
Identifying skills and goals
Career and educational choices
Choosing the right course/career path
Job-seeking skills
CV preparation
Job applications
Interview skills
Mock interviews
Any level course applications
Information on Apprenticeships
Grant applications
Work-life balance
Support if you are experiencing difficulty on your course.
We are here to assist you on your path. You may walk-in the Guidance Service in Main Street, Blanchardstown for information, but we highly recommend scheduling an appointment at 01/8200952 or Also, click the link below to book your session with our Guidance Counsellor.

Guidance, Counselling and Information Service
Resource Page
We invite you to explore our infromation and guidance resource page. Whether you are looking for information on job applications or navigating personal challenges, professional growth, or simply looking for our guidance resource page, we are here to assist you on your journey.
Meet the Team
We have a team of experts, driven by shared commitment to a person centered ethos in Guidance, Counselling and Information Provision. Meet the Guidance and Information team who can help you find the best education and career options for you and can also help you throughout your course: